“Madeleine Barker, offstage, effectively and sympathetically portrays Greta’s development from stilted computer to ultra-sophisticated “human,” emotions and all. More importantly, they interact with the authenticity of sisters — and therein lies the pathos and humor.”

-The Barre Montpelier Times Argus

The World Premier of


By Matthew Libby
Directed by Aileen Wen McGroddy

Northern Stage

Playing Greta

Barker performs live from a sound booth backstage. The plot indicates Greta's evolution, but it's up to Barker to show change through her voice. … Beyond producing a bot's voice, Barker creates a character far deeper than synthesized sound. She uses rhythm and pauses to express reactions to Matilda; by the end of the play, Greta's voice after 90 years has astonishing resonance.”

-Seven Days, Vermont’s Independent Voice


Pride and Prejudice at The Rep